All Country Dating Site bio



All Country Dating Site bio

All Country Dating Site bio

 All Country Dating Site bio - Dating girls... one of the most important things a man focuses on. Subconsciously or actively, we are all non-stop thinking about sleeping with women. The problem is, that the majority of men do exactly that: THINKING. And not much else happens.

We do want to date and sleep with women, but we feel somehow that any effort is going to waste. We either do not have the courage because we think that we will be rejected. Or we feel not capable of initiating a decent conversation. Or plain and simple: we think that some girls are so goodlooking that they will never go out with a guy like you.

So, you are an Average Joe. Not much money. Not that great looking. Normal car, nothing special. You think you are a nice guy, but you feel that this stunning girl in that shop or at the gym will just never go for you. Right?


What 99% of men simply do not know, is that women may like an attractive man or one with a lot of money, but subconsciously they rather need something else. And that 'something' is very different to money or material things. And it is a much stronger desire!

You see, women have been genetically programmed to go for a man who will make them feel safe, makes them feel happy, makes them feel secure. That might sound very obvious. But what that means is that while you may think that money and cars will give an impression of giving her security (i.e. materialistically), a woman needs to feel much deeper feelings. And you can tap in to that.

That is why you see some ugly guys walking around with a pretty girl. It is simply because they have managed to make the girl believe, that they themselves(the guy) are strong. They have managed to make the girl feel that she is no longer superior. Instead, she is now looking up to you. And there are some hardcore techniques to suddenly turn a girl from arrogant into subdued. With a simple comment. Believe it or not.

You crack jokes, you have a strong and steady walk and posture.

You are in other words: confident.

And this confidence you can learn. Very easily in fact. There are some very hardcore, straight forward techniques that you can learn. I have learnt these techniques over the years and honed them. Some might say that they are manipulative or maybe even not honest, but who cares? I was tired of reading all these 'dating guides' telling me to take girls to the cinema, to dinner or watch the stars during a walk on the beach.

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