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If you don't use these three rules for dating girls, you are missing on a lot of opportunities. Use them every time you are dating girls.

When dating girls, there are certain things that you don't really need on the other hand; there are some other stuff that you absolutely have to possess in order to dating girls successfully.

These three rules I'm going to present to you are the most important things you are going to use.

Learn them and use them, if you don't, you will be missing a lot of occasions.

· The first rule for dating girls is never try to win her

I'm serious; never try to win a girl.

I'm sure that most guys are shaking their heads while reading this and not agreeing with me.

Most men are wrong about this issue; they think that dating girls is all about winning her and making her the prize.

It may be true in Hollywood's movies, but in reality, it's totally false.

Believe it or not, a girl would like you to be the prize and her pursuing you.

If you don't believe me, just try this small experiment:

Go meet a new girl, meet her for one date and make sure it's great, then don't call her for three days, after that meet her for another date and let it be perfect, then don't call her at all.

You will notice a strange thing; she will call you and try to set a date with you.

She is pursuing you!

I don't suggest that you should play this game with girls, what's I'm suggesting is you need to give more importance to yourself than you are giving to the girl.

· The second rule for dating girls is always be the leader

There is one thing that will scare girls away; it's a guy who doesn't know what he wants.

"Where can I take you?"

"When do you want to meet?"

"What should we talk about?"


Girls are screaming inside when you say something like this.

They would rather talk about something boring and terrible that you choose rather than choosing themselves the topc.

· The third rule for dating girls is be neat

There are so many guys thinking that dating girls is all about techniques and things to say.

They are somewhat correct, but they are missing on a huge point here:

Most girls will review your outer looks first to determine whether they will date you or not.

This is why this advice is so important.

If you neglect your outer looks, no girl will let you use the techniques and stuff you are learning on her.

I don't mean that you have to get your self suits and other brand names clothes, looking good is all about style, read this article I've written: Look attractive to women, especially to show guys how to look the most attractive to girls.

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